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Food Workshop

Department of Home Science


गृह विज्ञान विभाग
Department of Home Science

Dr.Priyanka kumari h.jpeg


M.A., Ph.D

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-29 at 18.12.22.jpeg



The department of home science is framed to encourage a genre of responsible students with passion for lifelong learning and entrepreneurship, it also generates multi-skill leaders with holistic prospecting that cut across disciplines. The syllabus is designed to appreciate and benefit from the symbiotic relationship among the five-core discipline of Home Science -Resource Management, Food Science and Nutrition, Textile and Clothing, Human development and Extension and Communication and Family studies. 

After the degree program, students can be benefited by getting job in various field like government sector, working with NGOs, extension worker, education etc. and also they can feel the sense of entrepreneurship as well. During the academic session, the department faculty attend seminar conferences and present various research papers on different forums.

गृह विज्ञान विभाग नोट्स
Home Science Notes


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