Dr. Akash
Assistant Professor,
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Know me better
Dr. Akash is currently working as an Assistant professor in department of botany, Dhanauri P.G. College, Haridwar. He did his Ph.D. in Botany from Gurukul Kangri University. Dr. Akash has wide experience in the field of teaching and research. His research was on forest ecology, Ethnobotany, soil nutrients dynamics and soil microbiology. He has published more than three dozen of research paper and and two dozen of book chapter in various journal and one international book published with IGI G.USA
Profile Detail
Total Academic Experience : 09 Years
Google Scholar Profile Link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fApxN-MAAAAJ&hl=en
Orcid id : 0000-0003-1941-8020
Total Number Of Research Publications : 27
Total Number of Conferences / Seminars / Workshops : 07
Total Number Of Books / Chapters Published : 01/14
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